Keeping you informed

Today's BAG Update features: 
  • BAG Chair Welcome
  • BAG Annual Survey 2022!
  • BAG welcomes a new member!
  • BAG Security Group- Call for Deputy Chair Nominations!
  • Sponsor the BAG Stand at PTE 2023! *Book your stand Now!*
  • BAG Annual Dinner *New Date Confirmed- Book Now!*
  • BAG/DIT UK Airports Sector Trade Mission to India *Register your Interest*
  • BAG at Airport Show Dubai- 9-11 May 2023 *Register your Interest*
  • BAG Saudi Arabia Deep Dive Workshop with DIT and senior representatives from Saudi stakeholders - 9 November 2022 *Presentations & Recording now available*

Welcome to the latest edition of the BAG Update.
BAG has once again been very busy since I last wrote to you at the beginning of November. We kicked off the month with our annual BAG Board Strategy Workshop where BAG Board members came together with a small number of representatives from BAG’s strategic partners to review our strategic objectives for the year ahead. Following this session we will finalise the BAG Strategic Priorities for 2023 at the Board’s quarterly meeting in early December and then of course share those with the wider membership early in the new year.
Thank you to my colleagues from the BAG Board who facilitated an excellent and insightful virtual Market Deep Dive Session exploring projects and opportunities in Saudi Arabia on 9 November 2022, together with the Department for International Trade as well as high level country stakeholders. We were joined by senior representatives from GACA as well as the Red Sea Company who shared latest in-depth updates. In case you missed this session you can view the presentations and listen to the recording 
Earlier this week I was delighted – alongside a number of other BAG Board members and the BAG team – to attend and exhibit at the 2022 Heathrow Business Summit themed around reconnecting Heathrow’s business communityIt was fantastic to see so many businesses attending and connecting with a range of contacts. The Summit offered inspiring insights into how working with Heathrow will enable SMEs to play a central role in the airport’s operation and wider sustainable supply chain. BAG was delighted to be recognised by Heathrow with a Partner Recognition award at the event, and we are looking forward to strengthening our partnership moving forwards even further.

Last week saw the latest meetings of two of our Special Interest Groups: Security as well as Next Gen. Related meeting minutes and presentations can be found within the groups’ areas on the BAG website; if your company is interested in joining any of BAG’s Special Interest Groups, you can sign up easily via the BAG members portal to stay up to date on latest events and activities. Later this week, the 
ACG and EOSG will also both be holding their meetings on Thursday 16 November in our London offices, please register if you are interested to attend.   
In BAG’s aim to widen our approach and link up cross-sectorally, a number of BAG Board members participated at the Rail Industry Association’s Conference Dinner last week to broaden our connections.  
Looking ahead to 2023 - we have just launched registration for our BAG Stand at Passenger Terminal Expo in March 2023 in Amsterdam. The BAG Sponsorship stand package is one of the most affordable and effective ways to exhibit at this world class show. Sign up via the BAG 
website today!  
There are also a limited amount of spaces available for the BAG New Year Dinner on 18 January 2023. If you are interested to attend please register via the 
BAG website.
And finally, don’t forget – it is also time to renew your membership with BAG – all details can be found 

If you would like to get in touch or have any further feedback please get in contact –

Jason Fowler, Chair, British Aviation Group
BAG Annual Survey 2022!

The BAG Board is very keen to improve the service BAG offers its members and we are therefore running an Annual Members’ Survey to understand the views of the members. The structure of the survey falls into three parts:
A)      How BAG is performing in meeting the needs of members
-          This will help the Board improve the service offered to members
B)      Current and future workload
-          This information will be used in both influencing DIT on where missions and events should be held, and where there is knowledge within the membership which could be of benefit to others.
C)      Impact, Opportunities and Priorities
- This will help the Board when setting priorities for BAG for 2023 during the annual BAG Strategic Framework refresh.
Please click here for information and to complete the survey by Friday 18 November 2022.
BAG welcomes a new member!

We delighted to welcome 
Brisk Group Consulting to the BAG Membership and we look forward to collaborating with you!

BAG Security Group- Call for Deputy Chair Nominations!

At the last BAG Security meeting on the 20 September 2022, the group were informed that Scott Wiener Chair of the BAG Security Group, Ashley Reeve and Kevin Sawyer – both Deputy Chairs of the Security Group are coming to the end of their term as Chair and Deputy Chairs as they were elected in November 2020. It was announced at the meeting that Ashley Reeve will take over the role as Chair from November 2022 and therefore the group are in need of two Deputy Chairs to support Ashley for the next two years. The newly elected Deputy Chairs will take up their positions and be announced at the November meeting alongside Ashley.
If you would like to nominate yourself to become one of the two Deputy Chairs, 
please contact Hannah Sallabanks as soon as possible.
Sponsor the BAG Stand at PTE 2023! *Book your stand Now!*

The British Aviation Group shall be returning to RAI, Amsterdam in March 2023, providing BAG members the opportunity to exhibit by sponsoring the BAG Stand at the increasingly popular Passenger Terminal Expo (PTE). Over the years the BAG stand at PTE has grown considerably, becoming one of the main networking hubs for the aviation industry to meet and do business. This is due to our BAG member companies sponsoring the stand and drawing in the interest and key players in the industry.
The show in 2022 saw over 10,000 visitors from over 130 countries attend and spans across 19,000 sqm of space - making this one of the biggest airport shows in the aviation event calendar.  The event attracts over 1,900 senior airport, airline, aviation authority, government and related business executives from all over the world. 

The BAG Sponsorship stand package is one of the most affordable and effective ways to exhibit at this world class. The location for 2023 means companies will benefit from a very visible presence at the show due to our stand location.  The package is sold to the BAG members only, which will ensure our members receive the most exclusive service.
For £1,990, the BAG Sponsorship Stand Package includes:
  • Refreshments available to BAG sponsors and their guests during live show days
  • Company logo on sponsors wall
  • 1 box of company literature displayed on the shared literature racks of the BAG stand
  • Tables and chairs available for ad hoc meetings on the stand. You can book to use these for short meetings as part of the package either in advance or at the event (subject to availability). The meeting point facilities are shared with several other BAG PTE sponsors
  • A dedicated Event Manager who will manage and coordinate your presence both pre-event and whilst onsite at the event
  • A truly cost-effective way to promote your company with a strong brand presence
Please click 
here to view the overall event floor plan.  The BAG stand is located facing the snack bar, to the left of Hall 1. For further information on the event please follow this link. To purchase a sponsorship package please follow this link. If you have any questions or queries please contact Claire Parsons.
BAG Annual Dinner *New Date Confirmed- Book Now!*

BAG New Year Dinner – Wednesday 18 January 2023
As you may be aware, we unfortunately had to take the difficult decision to postpone the BAG Annual Dinner scheduled for 14 September 2022 following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We are now delighted to announce that the rescheduled event will be held as the BAG New Year Dinner on 18 January 2023 at the Brewery in central London, and we are looking forward to seeing you there – coming together as a community with a wide array of stakeholders, clients and Government representatives.

For those of you who have already booked your tickets, all arrangements will remain the same and your booking will automatically be carried over for the new date. If you would like to attend the BAG New Year Dinner please book your tickets here! 
If you have any questions or queries please contact Claire Parsons.
BAG/DIT UK Airports Sector Trade Mission to India *Register your Interest!*

The British Aviation Group would like to invite you to join the Department for International Trade (DIT) organised UK Airports Sector Trade Mission to India in the w/c 20th February 2023 which will explore the exciting and growing Indian airport infrastructure development market. The mission is being organised in partnership with British Aviation Group and is open to BAG members as well as non-member UK companies.
For more information on this trade mission and to register your interest please click
BAG at Airport Show Dubai- 9-11 May 2023 *Register your Interest!*

We are delighted to announce that we are looking to host once again a UK Pavilion at Airport Show Dubai 2023. For more information on the packages, floorplan and how to register your interest please click here.

BAG Saudi Arabia Deep Dive Workshop with DIT and senior representatives from Saudi stakeholders - 9 November 2022 *Presentations & Recording now available!*

Further to the last BAG Business Intelligence Working Group meeting, we are progressing with our Deep Dive Sessions on International Markets. On the 9 November 2022 BAG hosted a Deep Dive Workshop on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with the Department for International Trade Saudi Arabiafacilitated by Shakir Khaja, Lead of BAG’s Business Intelligence Working Group, Tim Morrison, BAG Board member and Catherine Workman, BAG Board member.

For this Deep Dive, BAG jointly with DIT Saudi invited senior representatives from a selection of Saudi stakeholders and received presentations from GACA and Red Sea Global. The presentations featured overviews of the organisations, further details on the Vision 2030 / 2050, upcoming pipelines for projects and programmes, as well as insights on the process on how to get involved (such as frameworks, individual tenders, competitions etc.). 
Please find the recording of the session as well as the presentations and contact details 

 Looking Ahead

BAG Webinars, Special Interest groups, Regions and Events
BAG are offering all members the chance for regular webinars, events, SIGs and Regional meetings to have the chance for some regular interaction between members as well as information share and networking. Please see below the upcoming schedule:

BAG Webinars and Events:

Upcoming BAG SIGs and Regions:
  • BAG Northern Region-​​​ 16 November 2022
  • BAG Airport Consultants Group- 17 November 2022
  • BAG Equipment & Operations Suppliers Group- 17 November 2022
  • BAG Scottish Region- 24 November 2022
  • BAG Northern Ireland meeting​- 29 November 2022
Future Events:

 Past Events & Webinars
Please find all our past events and webinars with presentations and recordings on the BAG website!

BAG Members Day & Networking Reception Skills, Future Flight & Integrated Transport- 20 October 2022
BAG at British-Irish Airports Expo & BAG Panel Sessions- 22 & 23 June 2022
BAG Philippines Deep Dive Workshop with the Department for International Trade (DIT)- 7 June 2022
BAG Northern Region -Regional Airport Panel Session25 May 2022
BAG Virtual Get Together: DIT Export Support Services- 4 May 2022
BAG Sustainable Technologies Deep Dive Workshop - Virtual - 2 November 2022

BAG Summer Seminar and BBQ 2022- 30 June 2022

BAG Innovation WG: Advanced Air Mobility Deep Dive- 26 May 2022
BAG Virtual Get Together Member Engagement Workshop- 9 May 2022
BAG Virtual Get Together:Inclusive Design: Case Study on Systematic Inclusion from Heathrow Airport- 16 May 2022

  Sales Leads & Tenders and BAG News

BAG Sales leads & Tenders

CAAS Virtual Server Farm - Maintenance Services

Development of an Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Mgmt. (UTM) System

DVOR Electronics

Liquid Explosive Detection System

Customer Service Technology (CRM Toolset)

De-icing Agents - Solid

Electronic signature system

Maintenance Services - Airport Equipment / Vehicles

Snow removal / de-icing / anti-icing equipment

Rideable Snow Blower

Aircraft Tractors 55t

Lighting Control Command System

To view our Sales Leads & Tender and access WikiBAG, please click here!

BAG News
It is time to Renew your BAG membership for 2023!

BAG Annual Survey 2022!

JZC Zero Emission Delivery Group meets for the second time at Bristol Airport
Scottish Government's consultation on the Fourth National Planning Framework (NPF4)

ACI research finds the highest intention to travel since the Covid-19 pandemic

British Airways and partners reach agreement to expedite SAF project

Heathrow launches new report: Sustainable Growth, Global Connectivity

Market assessment for advanced air mobility in the UK – UKRI

Government launches new campaign to boost aviation recruitment

Read More News here!
BAG Business Intelligence Update

BAG’s Business Intelligence and Strategic Relationship Working Groups come together regularly to try and collect as much intelligence as they can to gather on what is happening in the market, both now and how things change as we the sector recovers and rebuilds.

This document focuses on two key topics:
- What’s happening at UK airports
- What’s happing in the International markets, particularly in the priority markets we set for this year in discussion with DIT. Based on what we learn should we be resetting those priorities or focussing on other opportunities

You can find the documents here
Momberger Airport Information

We are delighted to offer BAG members a small selection of stories from the Momberger Airport Newsletter (MAI), a trusted, dependable source of market intelligence for airport professionals around the world since 1973. MAI is offering BAG members a two-month free trial of their bi-weekly newsletter by signing up here. Please add “free BAG member trial” in the User Instructions field of the online order form.

Please find their latest news items below:

Colombia will spend USD 1.7 billion on the construction and upgrade of five airports

FAA has announces grants of over USD 31 million for expansion of cargo infrastructure at nine airports

Approval has been given for major rehabilitation, renovation and upgrade work project at Gore Bay-Manitoulin

Romania's Dolj county council signs construction permit for new passenger terminal at Craiova International Airport

Liège airport is appealing against its new 20-year environmental permit

Germany’s Evia Aero and Groningen Airport Eelde are collaborating to make sustainable regional aviation possible

Maastricht Aachen Airport (MAA) and Royal Schiphol Group are entering into a strategic partnership

Read more news here

The British Aviation Group is the leading representative body for British companies involved in aviation and airport development and operations.
We provide world class expertise to meet the challenges of global airports.
We are the first port of call for global clients to connect to the full spectrum of British aviation expertise delivering solutions for airports large and small.
We have had amazing success working in over 150 countries and at the 60 largest airports delivering value, efficiency, sustainability and resilience.
Creating the airports of the future through the power of our network.
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