BAG exhibited and attended as a Strategic Partner the British Irish Airports EXPO and facilitated a series of panel sessions at the EXPO on 23 June:
11.30-12.15 International Opportunities Panel Session- Concorde Stage
Facilitator: Matthew Butters, BAG Deputy Chair and Lead BAG Missions Working Group
-Mark Finegan, Head of Strategy & Engagement, Infrastructure Dublin Airport
-Nowell Toma, Airport Sector Manager, Department for International Trade
13.00-14.15 BAG Strategic Partners Procurement Panel Session- Concorde Stage
Facilitators: Tim Walder, BAG Deputy Chair and Paula Pontes, Deputy Chair of BAG Next Gen Group
-Cedric Laurier, Gatwick Airport
-Paul Doherty, Heathrow Airport
-Paul Willis, Manchester Airports Group
14.30 -15.15 BAG Next Gen Panel Session: How technology can support: shifting passenger experiences, drive operational improvement, and give rise to commercial opportunities - a Next generation perspective- Tony Ryan Stage
Facilitator: Paula Pontes, Deputy Chair BAG Next Gen Group
-Sarah Zhang, Costain
-Jennifer Wong, Pascall+Watson