BAG is a not for profit organisation and operates under the ADS Group Ltd umbrella and is open to both ADS Members and non-ADS members. The BAG Constitution provides further background on BAG’s role and aims.


The British Aviation Group is governed by a Board, whose role it is to help guide BAG in its activities and strategies and to ensure that the Group meets the requirements of its members to represent them in the best way possible.

The BAG Board consists of a Chair, two Deputy Chair’s (one Chair elect), a Vice Chair (the immediate outgoing Chair); a Director of ADS, and 14 elected member company representatives.

Board Members stand for a term of three years. Each member company is entitled to nominate a representative to stand for the Board at the annual elections.

The board

BAG team

The day-to-day work of the British Aviation Group is carried out by a dedicated and experience team, including an allocated event manager for each of our events.

The board

Working Groups

These WGs work with the BAG Team to plan and implement the course of action within a specific area of BAG activities. They are focused on meeting one or more of the overall BAG strategic objectives and delivering against those (objectives explicitly set by the BAG Board).

The groups work under terms of refence and delegated authority as agreed by the BAG Board. All WGs directly report into the BAG Board and are refreshed on an annual basis which is coordinated with the annual BAG Priorities and Strategic Framework review.

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Special interest groups

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) have been formed to represent joint interests within the airport development sector.

These groups are led by a nominated representative with the task of developing specific sector strategies, identifying target markets and advising the Board on issues affecting the sector.

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In the British Aviation Group’s Strategic Framework one of BAG’s desired outcomes is “BAG facilitates opportunities for us to network and build collaborative relationships with the widest representation of the UK supply chain”. 

This is underpinned by promoting Regional Structure, i.e. truly working with the whole of the UK. BAG Regions are open to all BAG members, but it is hoped that they will enable greater participation in BAG by the regional offices of BAG member companies and attract new members for whom a London based offer has been too difficult to access. 

BAG Regions allow BAG members to have a voice and forum in the locality. Their aim is to provide a focus for members to help improve their penetration of UK, the local airport market and global aviation markets using the region as a focus for sharing information, collaboration and networking.

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BAG Operational Structure

Bag Group Structure
BAG Group structure 2024

How BAG Works

The following documents are available for BAG members to download and gain a better understanding in how BAG is governed and how BAG operates.

BAG Policies and Terms of Reference