Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

BAG operates a dedicated Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Working Group that focuses on the following three priorities: 

– Improve our own organisation

– Education 

– Advocacy


BAG have joined forces with Talentview Aviation (TVA) and the Aviation Skills Recruitment Platform (ASRP) to create the BAG Portal, which is a free service for our member companies to attract experienced and early careers talent into our industry. Both TVA and ASRP are funded by the Department for Transport supporting ongoing growth and recovery of the Aviation Industry.

“The BAG portal represents a dedicated entry point for our members to recruit the talent they need now and for generations to come. One of the biggest benefits of the platform is that it allows employers to find candidates who share their passion for aviation and build relationships with them directly, helping them to find the right people for their teams. We look forward to work with the ASRP and Talentview Aviation team to support the growth of the industry and promote the many amazing opportunities within the aviation industry.” Jason Fowler, Vice Chair of BAG

Visit Talent Portal for Aviation Infrastructure

To understand how to navigate and make the best use out of the Talent portal you can refer to the following webinar:

BAG Virtual Get Together: Talent portal for Aviation Infrastructure – Brought to you by BAG

BAG Virtual Get Together

Next Gen

BAG’s Next Gen Special Interest Group is made up of a number of individuals from various companies within BAG.

The aim is to create networking and knowledge sharing opportunities for younger BAG members, to work closely with airports, government, educational bodies and industry, and to use knowledge and thought leadership to provide insight into latest innovation and trends.


BAG operates a wide variety of in person as well as virtual events which offer a chance for interaction between members as well as information share.

BAG Events Calendar

SIGs & Regions

We operate a hybrid calendar of activity for all our Special Interest Groups and Regional Meetings (4-5 meetings per group per annum)

SIGs & Regions

What our members say

Marie/Denis, Mad4
One of last week’s highlights was attending the BAG Summer Seminar and evening reception. We found that it was very engaging, very well organised, venue was spot on and everyone was so friendly. Loved engaging with everyone in such a relaxed environment, lots of funny stories were shared. Particularly liked meeting with likeminded professional problem solvers like ourselves.
Marie Wehrly, MAD4 Business Ltd
Paula – Mentoring Proigramme
“The BAG mentoring programme has been a game changer in my professional life. Having a mentor has helped me believe in myself, with my self-confidence and to see things from a different perspective. My mentor challenges me on what is needed and encourages and supports me as well. It is great to be able to have an honest and open discussion with someone who has been through similar experiences and learn from her. I wish everyone could have a chance to have such a mentor!”
Paula Pontes, MAG
“‘Thank you British Aviation Group for your leadership in inclusivity and this spotlight on #femaleleadership! and your continuous support and recognition for Women pushing boundaries across all Industries!’”
Andrea Wu, urban-Air Port Ltd