Onwave UK

+44 (0)203 4342100

4 Abbey Wood Road, Kings Hill, Kent

Company Profile

Onwave, experienced in safety-critical industries, presents OWL, a solutions designed to protect aviation workers.  Aware of the dangers of limited awareness, OWL leverages geofencing and location data to warn workers who stray into hazardous areas.

The OWL ecosystem comprises:

  • Portal: Manage real-time data, set geofences, and monitor worker safety
  • App: Communicate crucial updates to workers, particularly valuable for lone workers
  • Hardware: High-performance devices enhance awareness when needed

By implementing OWL, you can:

  • Minimise preventable incidents
  • Boost safety standards
  • Reduce health risks

Owl empowers you to prioritise your workforce's safety while optimising performance.

Main Contacts

Jamie Gillmore

Senior Solutions Specialist

+44 (0)203 4342100

Case Studies

View a selection of our company case studies below.

Member Case Studies