Empathyce Limited

07917 718/072

3 Cirencester Road, Cheltenham, GL53 8EP

Company Profile

Empathyce is a consultancy and training company specialising in Customer & Passenger Experiences. Support is primarily around developing a clear vision for the passenger experience and relevant strategies, customer journey mapping, employee engagement and feedback programmes.

Founder Jerry Angrave has worked with many UK airports and is a member of Heathrow’s Accessibility Advisory Group. He published the “Journey Mapping Playbook” in 2020 and hosts a monthly forum for passenger experience professionals from airports and airlines around Europe and the Middle East.

Jerry regular chairs sessions on customer experience at events including the Passenger Terminal Expo and World Aviation Festival.

Main Contacts

Jerry Angrave

Managing Director

07917 718072

Case Studies

View a selection of our company case studies below.

Member Case Studies