Simple Flying - Daniel Martinez Garbuno

The incident impacted around 41 flights.

During the weekend, the Mexico City Benito Juárez International (MEX) had to close the runway 05R/23L following the appearance of a hole in the runway due to the heavy rain in the region. Overall, this incident impacted around 41 flights, the airport authorities said in a statement.

The authorities said,

“The abundant amount of rainfall during this season and the constant landing of airplanes cause the detachment of gravel in the area where aircraft touch down on the runway. Since this is a critical area, it requires an immediate repair, for which the runway must be closed for safety reasons.”

In recent months, Mexico City International Airport leads the Latin American region in delays and cancellations in flight operations. MEX had 3,072 delays between April 1 and June 29, almost three times more than the second one in the Latin American region, Cancun, with 1,370 flight delays.

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