LA Business Journal - Howard Fine

Construction began earlier this month on a $25 million project to reconstruct a major taxiway at Long Beach Airport, according to an announcement from city of Long Beach, which runs the airport.

Crews from Walsh Construction Co., a unit of Chicago-based Walsh Group, and its subcontractors began work during the first week of January on the project; the work is expected to last at least through August.

About 18 months ago, Jacobs completed the reconstruction of another taxiway at the airport. A third taxiway was redone back in 2009. And the general aviation runway was reconstructed in 2018.

This project, primarily funded by grants from the Federal Aviation Administration, includes replacing the existing pavement on Taxiway L, the main taxiway that allows departing aircraft to connect from the terminal to the runway and other aircraft facilities. Airport officials said in their announcement of the project’s construction phase that the exiting asphalt pavement has reached the end of its useful life. The new concrete pavement that will be laid down is designed to last 40 years.

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