New Civil Engineer - Rob Hakimian

Plans to expand Liverpool John Lennon Airport (LJLA) have been cast into doubt following a city council meeting in which councillors agreed to review all policies regarding future extensions.

The airport’s £100M masterplan, which included expansion of the terminal building and extension of the runway, was given the green light in 2018. The aim was to give the airport the capacity to operate long-haul flights and increase annual passenger numbers from 5M to 7.8M by 2030.

Liverpool Council declared a climate emergency in 2019.

Plans for the runway expansion released last year showed that it would take up 80ac of the city’s green belt.

The matter has now come to a head at a meeting of the full city council on Wednesday, 26 January, where Green councillor Anna Key put forward a motion to remove financial aid to the airport.

She said: “You cannot move to a net-zero economy by 2030 and expand the airport – that cannot happen.”

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