Passenger Terminal Today - Elizabeth Baker

The Government of Canada intends to work with airports and air carriers to reduce airport wait times by hiring screening officers, adding kiosks and e-gates, and updating passenger security information.

In response to the airport delays, the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) has been increasing the number of officers at passenger screening checkpoints. Currently, there are approximately 400 additional screening officers in different phases of their training across the country who will be deployed between now and the end of June. With the support of Transport Canada (TC), these recruits will progress more quickly through a more flexible onboarding process so they can be on the ground as quickly as possible. Airports are working to support CATSA with this initiative. According to the Government of Canada, CATSA is close to having recruited 100% of its target numbers of screening officers for the summer in many airports, including Toronto Pearson International Airport and Vancouver International Airport.

Alongside this, CATSA has also accelerated the use of pre-certified screening officers to carry out non-screening functions, optimize resources, and enable certified screening officers to focus their efforts on key security functions. 

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