New report published today (26 November) by the Board of Trade sets out how the UK can boost exports by bolstering digital trade and tackling protectionism.


A new report published today (26 November) by the Board of Trade – Digital Trade – outlines the huge opportunities digital trade presents for boosting UK exports, turbocharging economic growth, and creating high-paying jobs across all parts of the UK.

From purchasing items online to streaming music, digital trade is something that everyone depends on and is therefore vital for business growth across the UK. The UK exported over £200bn worth of digitally delivered services in 2019 and this is set to increase, with investment in global digital transformation rising worldwide following the pandemic.

The new report will be launched by Anne-Marie Trevelyan at the Board of Trade meeting today as part of a two-day visit to Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland has over 100 cyber security firms, employing approximately 2,300 people, and the International Trade Secretary will meet a host of digital and data businesses who export their products globally.

Please view the full press release here and the report here.



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