New Civil Engineer - Catherine Moore

The proposed expansion of Bristol Airport has been given the green light.

Campaign group Bristol Airport Action Network (BAAN) mounted a legal challenge against the plans in the High Court in November 2022, but the High Court has now ruled that the expansion can go ahead.

Following today's decision, a Bristol Airport spokesperson said: "Bristol Airport welcomes the High Court Judge’s decision to dismiss the claim and uphold the planning permission to increase Bristol Airport’s capacity from 10M to 12M passengers per annum.

"The decision is excellent news for our region’s economy, allowing us to create up to 5,000 new jobs, deliver more international destinations for the South West and South Wales, and invest hundreds of millions of pounds improving the customer experience. We will do this while working towards our ambitious target of net zero carbon operations by 2030 and we look forward to working with stakeholders and the community to deliver our vision to be everyone’s favourite airport.”

BAAN representative Stephen Clarke said: "The government has policies in place which are designed to encourage the growth of airports and the number of people wanting to fly.

"This shows a total disregard for the climate emergency we are in."

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