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 Keeping you informed



Today's BAG Update features:

  • BAG Members Day & Networking Reception- Sustainability and Innovation 10 March 2022 *Register now!*
  • Spotlight on June 2022 – Get ready for a busy month in advance!
  • BAG Scottish Regional Meeting- FlyZero – exploring zero-carbon emission commercial flight
  • BAG Business Intelligence Highlight Report *Now Available*
  • The APPG for the Future of Aviation has launched its first inquiry since the removal of major restrictions on international travel
  • DIT: UK Tradeshow Programme & Promotional Toolkit
  • BAG Stand at Passenger Terminal Expo PTE 2022 *last sponsorship packages left!*
  • UK Pavilion at Airport Show Dubai *Register your Interest*



BAG Members Day & Networking Reception- Sustainability and Innovation 10 March 2022 *Register now!*

On 10 March 2022, BAG will be holding our first LIVE BAG Members Day in 2022 in central London from 13:00-17:30 followed by a Networking Reception. The event will be themed around Sustainability and Innovation.
Similarly, to our October 2021 session, the 2022 March BAG Members Day will once again be run as an interactive workshop for all member companies.
Client expectations around sustainability are escalating all the while as they strive towards their net zero and decarbonization targets.   It is no longer an option for the supply chain to ignore this important challenge.  So we are delighted to once again welcome back the Connected Places Catapult to this Members Day to help guide BAG members on their own transformative journey towards enhanced sustainability through innovation.  
The workshop will

  • Update members on BAG’s journey of opening up BAG’s Working Groups to the wider membership for active and diverse involvement. Explain how members can get engaged across BAG’s various activities and groups in 2022 and BAG’s inclusive approach to participation in those groups.
  • Give members the opportunity to participate in facilitated group conversations around relevant themes that will be used to help the Board shape representative views which will be shared with Government bodies to help them shape policy
  • Allow members to understand more about groups such as Sustainable Aviation, a long term strategy which sets out the collective approach of UK aviation to tackling the challenge of ensuring a cleaner, quieter, smarter future for our industry.
  • Offer members the chance to participate in interactive Innovation Deep Dives on a number of topical themes, designed to create content from member dialogue established on the day to develop industry capability statements highlighting value and benefits. Looking ahead at ‘future focus’ and exploring questions clients may have that the BAG membership can support.

We do hope to welcome you at the BAG Members Day for an insightful and collaborative workshop! Please note, places are limited to two individuals per BAG Member company. Register here!



Spotlight on June 2022 – Get ready for a busy month in advance!

With events and exhibitions returning to our calendars, the aviation events calendar is going to be very busy in June 2022. Plan ahead early and get as many colleagues as possible involved to promote our sector in the best possible way.

Passenger Terminal Expo Paris – 15-17 June 2022
Consider joining the BAG Stand at PTE in Paris

British Irish Airports EXPO ExCel London – 22-23 June 2022
BAG is a Strategic Partner of British Irish Airports EXPO – visit or exhibit with a discount for BAG members.

BAG Summer Seminar and BBQ, London, 30 June 2022
BAG’s traditional summer event returns in 2022. Please save the date for an afternoon in central London.

BAG Special Interest Group and Regions meeting ins June
Save the date for the June meetings of your BAG SIG and Regions Meeting. If you are not a member of those yet, visit the BAG website to register yourself or your colleagues to join!

  • BAG Scottish Region Meeting, 7 June
  • BAG Next Gen Meeting, 8 June
  • Airport Consultants Group Meeting, 9 June
  • Joint EOSG and Security Group Meeting, 9 June
  • BAG Northern Ireland Region Meeting, 28 June



BAG Scottish Regional Meeting- FlyZero – exploring zero-carbon emission commercial flight

The BAG Scottish Region hosted their first meeting of the year on the 16 February 2022 from 17:00-18:00 with guest speakers from FlyZero who  presented and  explored zero-carbon emission commercial flight.
Led by the Aerospace Technology Institute and backed by the UK Government, FlyZero began in early 2021 as an intensive research project investigating zero-carbon emission commercial flight. This independent study has brought together experts from across the UK to assess the design challenges, manufacturing demands, operational requirements and market opportunity of potential zero-carbon emission aircraft concepts. We will present a project overview in advance of the full release of project findings in March 2022.
We also welcomed Matthew Butters, BAG Deputy Chair who provided a BAG Business Intelligence Highlight Update and BAG update.   Please find the recording of the webinar



BAG Business Intelligence Highlight Report *Now Available*

BAG’s Business Intelligence and Strategic Relationship Working Groups come together regularly to try and collect as much intelligence as they can to gather on what is happening in the market, both now and how things change as we the sector recovers and rebuilds.
This document focuses on two key topics:

  • What’s happening at UK airports.
  • What’s happing in the International markets, particularly in the priority markets we set for this year in discussion with DIT. Based on what we learn should we be resetting those priorities or focussing on other opportunities

Over the course of the last few years we have been publishing quarterly Business Intelligence Updates which are released via the BAG website and shared with our membership. The latest January 2022 Business Intelligence Update is a Highlight report which can now be found on the BAG website together with all past editions. You can find the documents here.



The APPG for the Future of Aviation has launched its first inquiry since the removal of major restrictions on international travel

This inquiry will investigate how the UK aviation, travel and tourism sectors has begun and will continue to recover from the devastating impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and the role aviation, travel and tourism can take in supporting the UK economy post Covid, in particular the ambitions to level up different regions of the UK and deliver a Global Britain.
As an active member of The Future of Aviation Group, BAG encourages all members to submit their feedback directly via the link provided below. You can simply submit a one or two-page document to provide your useful insight. Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the BAG Team.
The inquiry will close on 1700 on March 10th. For more information please click 



DIT: UK Tradeshow Programme & Promotional Toolkit

DIT have provided a UK Tradeshow Promotional Toolkit which provides background about the programme, guidance on how to use the resource, access to downloadable assets – e.g. Branded promotional banners and motion graphics, and suggested copy for use on social media platforms, websites and in newsletters. Download the toolkit here.

To find out more about the UK Tradeshow Programme please click here.



BAG Stand at Passenger Terminal Expo PTE 2022 *last sponsorship packages left!*
15 – 17 June 2022
Paris Expo Porte De Versailles I Paris, France


The British Aviation Group is pleased to announce the return of the increasingly popular BAG stand sponsorship packages at Passenger Terminal Expo, taking place in Paris in 2022. Over the years the BAG stand at PTE has grown considerably, becoming one of the main networking hubs for the aviation industry to meet and do business. This is due to our BAG member companies sponsoring the stand and drawing in the interest and key players in the industry.

The BAG Sponsorship stand package is one of the most affordable and effective ways to exhibit at this world class show.  The location for 2022 means companies will benefit from a very visible presence at the show due to our stand location.  The package is sold to the BAG members only, which will ensure our members receive the most exclusive service.

To participate:
Please click 
here to view the overall event floor plan. The BAG stand is located to the right of the snack bar on the bottom left-hand side of the floor. For further information on the event and how to book please follow this link.



UK Pavilion Airport Show Dubai 2022- *Register your Interest!*

17-19 May 2022

We are delighted to announce that we looking to host once again a UK Pavilion at
Airport Show Dubai this year and wanted to give you the opportunity to register your interest for this year’s event. We are currently finalising the packages and information in relation to this event, which we hope to be able to release soon. 
The UK Pavilion is located within Hall 2 next to the French Pavilion and very close to the Dubai Aviation Engineering Projects and Hosted Buyers Lounge so an ideal location for high footfall.

As with other BAG events we have dedicated contractors to assist with your participation at the event.  These details will follow once a booking has been confirmed. If you have an interest in exhibiting with us then please reply to
Claire Parsons


 Looking Ahead



BAG Webinars, Special Interest groups, Regions and Events
BAG are offering all members the chance for regular webinars, events, SIGs and Regional meetings to have the chance for some regular interaction between members as well as information share and networking. Please see below the upcoming schedule:

BAG Webinars and Events:

·         5th British-Irish Airports EXPO – in strategic partnership with British Aviation Group- 22 & 23 June 2022

Upcoming BAG SIGs and Regions:
  • Joint Airport Consultants Group & Equipment & Operations Suppliers meeting- 24 February 2022
  • BAG Northern Region Meeting- 30 March 2022
  • BAG Scottish Region meeting- 19 April 2022
  • BAG Security Group Meeting-  27 April 2022
  • BAG Equipment & Operations Suppliers Group meeting- 28 April 2022
  • BAG Joint Airport Consultants Group & BAG Next Gen Group- 28 April 2022


Future Events:


 Past Events & Webinars
Please find all our past events and webinars with presentations and recordings on the BAG website!






DIT: India Aviation Series : Meet & Engage with Adani Airports - 16 November 2021



  Sales Leads & Tenders and BAG News



BAG Sales leads & Tenders

Pre-Board Screening (PBS) Bins and Related Goods and Services

Feasibility Study Consultancy Services for Bahrain International Airport Emergency Runway

Smart Toilet Fittings and Sensors

Enterprise 2D/3D Maps Platform

Provision of Consultancy Services for UAS Traffic Management (UTM) Development in Singapore

Sportswear retail concession

Upgrade/Replacement of Passenger Announcement System

Compliance of isolated air navigation sites

Office Software

API Gateway (ZAPIG) for Airport Services Integration (ASI)

Technology Refresh and Enhancement of Airport Services Integration

Modernisation of Air-conditioning System

Fire Suppression Systems and Building Modification Works

Screening services for hold luggage, personnel, goods and products

Ground Handling Services

Machine contractor services - Trondheim Airport

Machine contractor services - Bergen Airport

Open Commercial Square - Construction

Machine contractor services - Oslo

EDS Standard 3 Equipment

To view our Sales Leads & Tender and access WikiBAG, please click here!

BAG News

Stay updated on the latest Government's Coronavirus Business Support page

VAT for GB Businesses exporting to the EU

Trade Secretary secures major trade bloc milestone ahead of Asia visit

DfT: Low carbon fuel strategy: call for ideas- Deadline 3 April 2022

Heathrow’s refreshed sustainability strategy will help it build back better

ANIMA Book is online, and more than 7000 people have already downloaded it!

Civils winners for Manchester Airports Group £700m framework

Global airport security market to be worth $25 billion by 2028

MWAA announces new Green Concessions Program

Read more news here




TheBritish Aviation Group is the leading representative body for British companies involved in aviation and airport development and operations.
We provide world class expertise to meet the challenges of global airports.
We are the first port of call for global clients to connect to the full spectrum of British aviation expertise delivering solutions for airports large and small.
We have had amazing success working in over 150 countries and at the 60 largest airports delivering value, efficiency, sustainability and resilience.


Creating the airports of the future through the power of our network.





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