Aviation Insider - PwC Aviation Newsletter, January 2021

Johnny Says still in crisis… but some light at the end of the tunnel

Until recently, Chinese airlines did not believe in low cost. They believed most costs are fixed and even mandatory. However, a few successes during the pandemic such as Spring Airlines, 9 Air and China Express have already proven this concept wrong. The post COVID 19 market is strengthening the idea and showing Low Cost Carriers (LCCs) have the strongest resilience against the bottom of cycle. They achieved profitability, even in the worst period of 1H 2020, while full service carriers can only survive by selling very low priced tickets and hence could barely sustain their liquidity. These results would inevitably increase the confidence of investors in setting up low cost model airlines in the future....

Aviation Insider - PwC Aviation Newsletter, January 2021

  • Johnny Says still in crisis…but some light at the end of the tunnel
  • Aviation finance are you ready to get back to work?
  • BEPS 2.0 (Pillar 2) impact on aircraft leasing 
  • Nei Bao Wai Dai security registration recent challenges in an already challenging environment for cross border aircraft finance
  • Wells Fargo case update on appeal