The Isle of Thanet News - Kathy Bailes

Another bid for a Judicial Review challenging the government’s decision to give the go ahead for the development of Manston airport has been lodged.

Last week a Judicial Review application submitted on behalf of Ramsgate resident Jenny Dawes was denied by the High Court but now a fresh attempt has been lodged asking for a planning judge to review the case. .

Ms Dawes made an application last September following a government decision to re-grant a development order allowing airport owners RiverOak Strategic Partners (RSP) to create a new cargo hub at the site.

The first decision to grant permission for the Manston airport proposals was announced by government on July 9 2020 after delays in January and May.

The Department of Transport approved the application to create an air freight hub at the site. A Planning Inspectorate Examining Authority panel of Martin Broderick, Jonathan Hockley, Kelvin MacDonald and Jonathan Manning  had recommended that development consent should not be granted.

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