Aviation Week - Helen Massy-Beresford

IATA Director General Willie Walsh is suggesting that profits currently being accrued by fossil fuel producers due to high oil prices should be funneled into ramping up production of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). 

While logistically SAF represents a straightforward short-term solution that allows airlines to cut their emissions, there are two big issues standing in the way of more widespread adoption. A lack of availability means carriers rarely have the chance to opt for SAF. And it costs more than standard kerosene, the higher price of which is already putting pressure on airlines’ profitability.   

According to IATA’s jet fuel price monitor, for the week ending Sept. 16 the price of jet fuel price ended at $121.6 per barrel. That was down 12.8% week-on-week but was more than 46% higher than a year ago.  

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