Powervamp Ltd

+44 (0)7760 668196

Powervamp House, Wolseley Road, Woburn Industrial Estate, Kempston, MK42 7TN

Company Profile

Formed in 1994, Powervamp Ltd is a world-recognised designer and manufacturer of specialist power equipment for the aviation, automotive and emergency lighting sectors.

International Reputation

With customers in more than 60 countries, the company has built an enviable reputation for quality, product support and customer service.  Powervamp operates a worldwide distribution network ensuring every continent has access to its product range.

Service & Support

Rapid growth with both aviation, and emergency power divisions, has allowed the company to grow its graduate engineering department and skilled service team - ensuring Powervamp consistently wins, and retains business.

Main Contacts

James Ackland

Sales Director

+44 (0)1234 905277

Case Studies

View a selection of our company case studies below.

Member Case Studies