Forbes - Brandon Schultz

American travel may be nearly unrestricted now but long-haul international travel remains almost entirely out of reach for summer, bringing a welcome boost in popularity for domestic destinations nationwide.

After suffering its worst year in history, the airline industry is also experiencing a sudden explosion in demand across North America, leading major airlines to launch new routes almost weekly, often to smaller cities forecasting quick returns to pre-pandemic levels, or even surpassing them. Many of these smaller cities spent the past year of down-time reinventing and revitalizing, upgrading their tourism and hospitality offerings to welcome the return, and are excited for the visitors these new air connections will bring. Here, Carrie Westergard, executive director of Boise Convention and Visitors Bureau, chats about the bundle of new routes better connecting Boise to the East, Midwest and South, with a few updates on what the Idaho capital has been doing to prepare for the return to travel that is upon us.

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