This is first issue of the Business Newsletter that we will send regularly with updates on Ukrainian reconstruction. Since we last wrote to you, the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) has been working closely with other UK Government Departments and the Government of Ukraine, to understand the needs and scope of infrastructure reconstruction projects in Ukraine. 


In this newsletter you will find the latest information on how you can bid for a ticket to attend the ReBuild Ukraine Conference, taking place in Warsaw in November; the achievements at the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023; and an update on the last UK-Ukraine Infrastructure Taskforce meeting. 





ReBuild Ukraine is hosting its second international exhibition and conference, providing a platform for international businesses to showcase expertise in several sectors required to rebuild Ukraine’s economy, including infrastructure, industry, energy and housing.  The Department for Business and Trade is offering UK businesses the opportunity to showcase UK expertise at the UK ReBuild Ukraine Pavilion. If you are interested in one of our limited number of places, please apply through the expression of interest.  



Where possible, priority will be given to companies:  

·       That are currently exporting to or partnering with Ukraine or that have actively expressed interest in working with Ukraine;   

·       That did not participate in the previous ReBuild Ukraine conference (February 2023);   

·       That are Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs);  

·       That provide UK-wide regional representation;  

·       With expertise and operations in the following sectors, energy, infrastructure (housing), social infrastructure (healthcare and education), transport, raw and processed materials, humanitarian demining and telecoms. 



While HM Government will be covering the costs of the pavilion, including the entry charge, we are unable to contribute to travel, accommodation and subsistence for the event.   



Please follow this link to express your interest. Applications will be open from 25th September – 6th October.  


If you are unsuccessful via the DBT Expression of Interest and are still interested, it is possible to book via the organisers directly. For more information, please follow this link.  




The UK hosted the 2023 Ukraine Recovery Conference last June in London. The conference brought together governments, international and civil society organisations, and businesses from around the world to send a clear message: we not only stand with Ukraine through Putin’s illegal invasion, but we will stand with Ukraine in peace. The URC mobilised over $60 billion of financial commitment towards meeting the recovery and reconstruction needs of Ukraine. 


The URC also saw the following business announcements, which you may find of interest: 

  • The London Conference Framework on War Risk Insurance to guide efforts in working with the commercial insurance markets that will help unlock private investment to meet Ukraine’s long-term reconstruction needs. The UK announced support of up to £20m to the World Bank’s Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency’s (MIGA) SURE Trust Fund, to be used for war-risk insurance projects in trade finance and the real sector (producers of goods and non-financial services) in Ukraine. 
  • A new G7 Clean Energy Partnership was launched to help Ukraine rebuild a Net Zero energy system connected to Europe. 
  • The UK-Ukraine TechBridge was launched in partnership with the Government of Ukraine and industry partners. The TechBridge brings together the UK and Ukrainian tech and tech-enabled sectors, to harness opportunities for innovation and collaboration, and to nurture tech talent and promote skills development.  
  • DBT also launched the Business Bridge Ukraine, a platform through which Ukrainian businesses can connect with complementary partners across the global private sector interested in participating in repair, reconstruction and recovery opportunities. 




The UK has committed to supporting Ukraine’s reconstruction, becoming a key partner for Ukraine in its reconstruction efforts. We have been working closely with the Government of Ukraine through the UK-Ukraine Infrastructure Taskforce which was established in June 2022. The Taskforce supports the Government of Ukraine in the recovery of vital infrastructure by harnessing and mobilising UK expertise to support recovery and reconstruction. The most recent meeting was held in Warsaw in early August 2023, co-chaired by Minister Ghani and Deputy Prime Minister Kubrakov. We are currently reviewing the framework of the Taskforce together with the Government of Ukraine. The new format of the Taskforce will continue to work in close partnership with our brilliant UK businesses, in a range of sectors, to unleash their full potential. 



We are keen to hear your views and insights on trade with Ukraine as well as any feedback on this communication.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at  


Best wishes 

Ukraine Reconstruction Team 

Department for Business and Trade  

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