On 25 April 2022 the Transport Committee published its report on “Airlines and airports: supporting recovery in the UK aviation sector” - UK aviation: reform for take-off


The findings summary states the following: “The Government struggled to balance the competing priorities of protecting public health and of facilitating international travel during the coronavirus pandemic. It restricted international travel to manage the virus’s spread, but the arbitrary nature of those restrictions left travellers struggling to secure refunds, to access affordable testing and to navigate the confusing ‘traffic light’ system. The restrictions on international travel imposed severe economic costs on the aviation industry. We welcome the Government’s decision to remove all coronavirus-related restrictions on international travel. We also welcome its statement that in future such restrictions will only be implemented in extreme circumstances. The Government must learn from the coronavirus pandemic by improving its resilience planning for aviation to ensure that both travellers and the aviation industry are supported by a predictable, transparent system in future public health crises. The disruption at British airports in April 2022 showed that some barriers remain to the aviation sector’s recovery after coronavirus. This Report sets out positive actions the Government can take to shape the recovery and development of the UK aviation sector after the pandemic.”

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