Simple Flying
Alexander Mitchell
12 November 2024

...the nature of the commercial airline industry has changed significantly since 2019 with airlines restructuring their business models to serve a new kind of customer.

Business travelers now operate on different schedules than usual, flying out more on Mondays and back on Thursdays than previously. Furthermore, more and more off-peak-season vacationing has been taking place with airlines looking to capitalize on this new stream of remote worker income.

The airline industry has, as a result, been forced to adapt and change over the past five years to better meet the needs of its customers, something which has created altered route networks with noticeable (albeit minimal) differences from their 2019 status. Therefore, there are many differences to note between individual airport growth rates now and in the period before the pandemic, something which has resulted in some airports recovering from the pandemic faster than others.

Airports covered in this article: 

  • Los Angeles
  • Nashville
  • Orlando
  • Raleigh-Durhan
  • San Francisco

Read on: The US Airports That Have Seen Largest Increase in Passengers

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