Support for the aviation sector
The Government recognises the vital role of the aviation sector, both to our future as a global trading nation and in local economies. Like you, I am keen to see the sector return to normal operations as soon as possible so that it can support the UK economy in bouncing back from the impact of COVID-19. The key measures the Government has taken to support this aim include:
- The Chancellor’s unprecedented package of economic measures, details of which can be found in the Annex to this letter.
- Flexibility where appropriate from the CAA for airlines and airports regarding the regulatory framework.
- Ongoing and intensive engagement from DfT Ministers and officials with the sector - including (but not limited to) weekly meetings with airports, airlines, ground handling companies and unions.
We remain open to discussions about further cross-sector measures which industry may suggest, and any company can approach the Government as a last resort, after exhausting the comprehensive package we’ve put in place and all other options. Any intervention would of course need to represent value for money for taxpayers...
20200428-Minister-Tolhurst-Aviation-Dear-Colleague-letter.pdf (445 KB)