The British Aviation Group has been growing over the last year both in number of member companies, and in the number of events we have been holding. Much of that growth is due to the hard work and dedication of the BAG Secretariat, but they have been managing this growth with the same resources as before. This is not sustainable and therefore I, in consultation with the BAG Board, have been working with David Scotter, the BAG Director for ADS, to strengthen the BAG team. Following discussions with ADS and the current team we have agreed that moving forward there will be three core roles. These are as follows:
Assistant Director - responsible for overseeing the day to day Operations of BAG, line management of the BAG Senior Manager and Manager, liaison with the BAG Chair and Board, managing Strategic Relationshipsand representation of BAG at key meetings.
Senior Manager – responsible for overseeing and managing all aspects of BAG membership recruitment and retention, Communications for members and development of the BAG Events Agenda
Manager - responsible for overseeing and managing all aspects of BAG’s Special Interest Groups and Regional activity as well as the development and collation of content for BAG’s business intelligence platforms and documents.
I am delighted to confirm that Bettina Rigg will step up to the Assistant Director role, and Hannah Sallabanks will step up to the Senior Manager role. David Scotter will continue in his role as BAG Director with a dedicated focus moving forward on being the primary link between BAG and ADS including representing ADS on the BAG Board and key working groups, line managing/mentoring the Assistant Director and representing BAG at a senior level externally as required.
David with the ADS HR team has recently commenced a recruitment process for the new role and we hope to secure a strong candidate as soon as possible. Whilst Bettina and Hannah’s promotions have taken effect from 1 January 2020, in the interim they will cover the tasks allocated to the Manager role, which means there will be a transition period until the new structure is fully operational. Full details can be found here.
I believe that the new structure we have put in place for BAG will serve us well moving forward as we continue to grow the BAG membership and increase the programme of activity that we run, but please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Mike Forster
BAG Chair