14 August 2024

Taking into account the need to accelerate climate change mitigation and strengthen company’s reputation for sustainable development in the aviation sector in Europe, RIX Riga Airport has revised the Airport’s road map for achieving zero CO2e emissions. The company’s Board has set 2035 as the new target deadline, stated Riga Airport.

„We have reviewed the emission reduction targets and objectives set out in both the Airport’s Medium-Term Strategy and Sustainability Strategy and are ready to set a much more ambitious timeline to achieve Net Zero. Although the initial deadline of the Airports Council International Europe (ACI Europe) ’NetZero 2050’ commitment was to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, Riga Airport, along with many other European airports, believes that by working with determination, this goal can be achieved earlier, by 2035. Riga Airport also has a greater responsibility to contribute to the global climate goals, having achieved the Diamond Category in last year’s Sustainability Index and aiming to be certified to the next level of the Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) programme. Globally, various financial institutions are also paying much more attention to achieve more ambitious climate goals, with the support of which aviation development is being financed,“ says Laila Odiņa, chairperson of the Board of RIX Riga Airport.

Read on: Riga Airport undertakes to reach zero CO2e emissions by 2035 - Delfi EN

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