Simple Flying - Jamie Moore

A report reveals that a noise quota would result in an increase in flight movements.

An aircraft noise quota that is currently being proposed by Dublin Airport will reportedly far exceed the quota already in place for London Heathrow, Gatwick, and Stansted.

When Dublin Airport’s North Runway was granted permission by the Fingal County Council, the council gave conditions regarding the use of the runway and the amount of aircraft that can operate at the airport. One of the conditions, condition number 5, was that “the average number of night time aircraft movements at the airport shall not exceed 65”. The average was calculated over a space of 92 days. These conditions are in place to protect the local residents in North County Dublin from the noise of aircraft.

In response to condition number 5, the DAA, the operator of Dublin Airport, proposed a replacement. The replacement reads:

“Permission is being sought to replace Condition 5 with the following: A noise quota system is proposed for night time noise at the airport. The airport shall be subject to an annual noise quota of 7990 between the hours of 2330 hrs and 0600 hrs.”

Dr. King’s report goes further to explain that the quota that is being sought after by the DAA far exceeds that of existing noise quotas of major airports in the UK, such as London Heathrow (LHR), London Gatwick (LGW) and London Stansted (STN). He went further to explain that aircraft with a low noise impact would be able to operate 'unlimited' movements from the airport.

Full Report

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