Simple Flying
Aaron Bailey
09 May 2024

Over 100,000 passengers' travel plans were thrown into chaos this weekend after six climate activists sneaked into Munich Airport and glued themselves to the runway. According to the federal police, this caused the cancellation of 60 flights and diversions of over a dozen, as the airport was completely closed for several hours because of the security breach.

The protest, which took place during the Whitsun holiday, a hectic time for travel in Germany, was undertaken by the coalition group Letzte Generation (Last Generation). The climate protest group claimed the stunt was intended to highlight to the German government that they have not taken action to minimize the airline industry's environmental impact.

According to ABC News, the activists broke through a security fence before exiting the runway to complete their stunt. Once airport authorities spotted them, swift action was taken to divert aircraft and cancel flights before officials arrested the six individuals.

[Read more: Munich Airport Cancels 60 Flights After Climate Activists Breach Airfield Security (]

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