May 2020: ICF submitted an Aviation and Tourism ‘Toolkit’ to the UN World Tourism Organisation’s Healing Solutions for Tourism challenge in response to the Covid-19 crisis. Out of >1k entries we were delighted to successfully reach the final short-list of 10. The Toolkit is designed to help destinations accelerate economic recovery efforts and build a more resilient and sustainable future. It is a one-stop-shop, offering a wide range of proven fit-for-purpose tools, diagnostics, methodologies and best practices. It will now be shared with Government Aviation and Tourism Ministries around the world to help them achieve economic recovery.
The toolkit comprises 13 practical and actionable tools grouped into 3 offerings:
- Capacity, supply and economics: Air capacity, route strategy, economic impact, investment modelling, industry communications
- Demand stimulation and stakeholder engagement: behavioural science, marketing strategy, communications activation, marketing measurability, design thinking
- Economic, social and environmental sustainability: measurement, mitigation, resilience.
Please find the toolkit document attached: ICF Tourism Aviation Recovery Toolkit 22 May 2020 (002).pdf (3 MB)
If you would like further infromation please contact:
Jane Thompson- Business Development Advisor to ICF Aviation