
IATA is working with key stakeholders in Poland to establish an Airport Consultative Committee to facilitate consultation with the global airline community on the development of the Solidarity Transport Hub in Central Poland. The first meeting took place in Warsaw on 18 July 2019. The Committee created by IATA in co-operation with the Solidarity Transport Hub Poland (STH) management, will serve as an important forum to exchange ideas and better support decisionmaking. The Airport Consultative Committee (ACC) will essentially serve as an airline technical body to review strategic options, assess the cost and benefits, and consider the operational impacts on airlines and their passengers. “Our operation is carefully thought out. It is impossible to plan the airport well without asking for the opinion of those who will use it. We are consistently building a knowledge base that will help us prepare the master plan of the Solidarity Airport” says Mikołaj Wild, Government Plenipotentiary for Solidarity Transport Hub Poland. Initial activities of the ACC will include verifying that the conceptual assumptions of the STH are aligned with the needs of carriers and whether any improvements need to be made. The overall goal is to ensure that infrastructure solutions are consistent with the expectations and needs of carriers: technical, operational and financial. “We highly value the knowledge and experience of IATA experts, which is why we want to conduct the widest possible consultations with the airline industry. The result is to be a new airport between Warsaw and Łódź, which takes into account the needs of all its customers: carriers, companies operating in the airport and providing services to it, and above all passengers,” says Dariusz Sawicki, STH Board member for the airport investment part. He added: “We have invited architectural offices with an extensive and impressive projects portfolio, professional experience and creativity to co-operate with us.” IATA brings experience gained on global airport projects to Poland and has incorporated the lessons learned into the ACC’s terms of reference which describe its objectives, activities, membership, and structure. The ACC is the next step in the comprehensive consultation process with STH stakeholders which started in mid-April 2019 with a meeting attended by over 60 representatives of various entities, e.g. Polish Aviation Group, Board of Airline Representatives in Poland, Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, Poczta Polska, Orlen, LOTOS, PERN, LOT AMS, LS Airport Services, Polish Hotel Holding, FedEx, DHL, UPS, and TNT Express. STH familiarized the partners with the planned stages of the investment, presented a working block diagram of the project implementation as well as terms of reference regarding the structure and scope of the consultation. By the end of May, STH received over 400 comments and proposals on a wide range of topics concerning the infrastructure of the planned airport, from aircraft, passenger, and baggage handling to cargo and technical support. STH plans to engage a strategic and technical advisor, an international entity with investment experience in the design, construction and management of interchanges. STH will also commission a master plan including, among others: air traffic forecasts, dimensioning of planned infrastructure and initial plan of its location, construction stage and detailed business model of the planned airport.

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