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The insolvent airport now has two different interested buyers, but only one purchase agreement will be executed.

In October 2021, Frankfurt-Hahn Airport filed for insolvency, and efforts to attract new interested investors went underway to save the airport. Then in June last year, the insolvency administrator announced Frankfurt-based entity Swift Conjoy as the leading candidate for the airport business. But after delays and discussions, it seems like Frankfurt-Hahn Airport is back on sale as the deal with Swift Conjoy has fallen through.

For context, although the official amount was never fully disclosed, aside from purchasing the airport Swift Conjoy would have to invest millions in maintaining flight operations in the long term before profits are seen again. But of course, when the insolvency administrator Jan Markus Plathner first announced that Swift Conjoy was the leading candidate to buy over Frankfurt-Hahn airport, he certainly had no doubts about the seriousness of the investor.

However, months of delays in payment and discussions highlighted Swift Conjoy's somewhat hesitant behavior.

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