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AiQ Consulting have developed a fast, simple and pragmatic Airport Recovery Tool ARTΔ.

Ideal for your consolidation and recovery planning, ARTΔ supports you in managing your changeable demand and resource needs across your operation.

Within 2-5 minutes, ARTΔ models the resources you need to efficiently run 13 key processes from kerbside to stand including new health screening and social distancing covering arrivals, departures and transfers.

Airport Recovery Tool Features

ARTΔ provides airport managers with vital information to make complex decisions, helping to efficiently manage changeable daily resource requirements, optimise costs and support the safety of passengers.

With free basic set-up, ARTΔ can be provided under license for internal use or as a cost effective remote service by our world class airport planning team.

To discover more about ARTΔ here, or request a demonstration, call Adrian Todd on +44 (0) 7885 227317 or email 


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