Further consultation on the updated evidence and analysis to inform the different pathways to achieve net zero aviation – or jet zero – by 2050.
The Government’s “Jet zero: strategy for net zero aviation consultation” published in July 2021 set out the vision and strategic framework for achieving net zero aviation by 2050. New tools and information now available have allowed the Government to further develop their analysis, to inform the final jet zero strategy. This new consultation invites views on the new evidence and updated analysis described in the Jet zero: further technical consultation document and accompanying Jet zero: modelling framework.
BAG has already responded to the original consultation in September 2021 and as the new consultation is mainly focused on demand modelling BAG will not need to update our original submission. If you as BAG members would like to respond you can do so directly via the following website by 25 April 2022
Please also note that this website contains some useful background material on future demand modelling and scenarios.