Australian British Chamber of Commerce

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is welcoming submissions from interested individuals and groups on the potential opportunities and impacts of a future Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United Kingdom (UK). We encourage you to send your submissions and other ideas to the Chamber. We will include these in our submission to DFAT. Email these to:
Issues of particular interest include:

  • goods market access (tariffs and quotas)
  • biosecurity and food safety issues
  • regulatory issues
  • customs procedures
  • cross-border trade in services
  • financial services
  • investment, including investor-state dispute settlement
  • government procurement
  • intellectual property, including geographical indications
  • barriers to trade in emerging and innovative industries e.g, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, IT incubators
  • movement of persons
  • competition policy
  • sustainable development
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