As was announced in August, the DEN team continues to move the Great Hall Project forward quickly with the selection of new contractors. After completing a competitive selection process, DEN has chosen Stantec as the preferred lead design firm and Hensel Phelps/Sky Blue Builders as the construction manager/general contractor. The competitive selection process focused on existing DEN contractors already mobilized on site.
On November 6, the DEN team took five contract amendments to the Denver City Council subcommittee for the Business, Arts, Workforce, Aviation Services Committee for approval.
- Jacobs Engineering for program management services
- Gilmore Construction for completion of the Central Monitoring Facility, where TSA resolves checked baggage screening
- L.S. Gallegos & Associates for professional, technical and support personnel
- Stantec for lead design services
- Sky Blue Builders & Hensel Phelps for site support to ensure field integrity between Developer handoff and mobilization period
All the amendments were passed by the committee and will move to the full City Council for final review and approval later in November. Since these contractors currently have existing contracts with DEN, they were on-site on November 12 to ensure the facility is prepared for the winter.
If approved by City Council, the contract amendments will allow the contractors to continue work on Phase I of the project, which will resume in Q1 2020.
To view the presentation to City Council, click here