In 2020, the Coronavirus Pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on Airlines and Airports Worldwide. The overall impact will depend on how long this pandemic lasts’ and the scale of it as well as health checks that maybe introduced as a direct result and public confidence in air travel.
Since the outbreak became widespread and countries started to close borders and governments introducing lockdowns, international passenger traffic has collapsed with the most dramatic drop in aviation history, both in capacity and demand. According to The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), “Approximately USD 48 billion international passenger revenue loss from Jan to Apr 2020”.
Airport Health Screening
According to a document complied by ACI and ICAO entitled “Airport preparedness guidelines for outbreaks of communicable disease (Revised April 2009)”, The World Health Organisation (WHO) will be monitoring the COVID-19 epidemiological and clinical behaviour and is likely to recommend airport health screening. Whilst airports have already introduced number of health and safety measures such as temperature measurement and social distancing, further passenger health screening tests are likely to be introduced by the international and national regulatory authorities.
What could health screening look like for airports?
This blog therefore aims to establish how and what the health screening could potentially look like for airports and the practical steps AiQ Consulting have been taking to support airports with recovery during and post COVID-19 Pandemic.
AiQ’s response has been simple, we have re-purposed our modelling software TransvisionAiR® to make it FAST and SIMPLE to use. The target of the re-thought tool is the immediate challenges of re-opening an airport post COVID-19. It provides Airport Managers at all levels with the decision support to make the complex and interdependent decisions to set up and grow their new flight schedules. It assists with the management of new norms including health screening and social distancing, our solution is the Airport Recovery Tool, ARTΔ.
ARTΔ can determine:
- Passenger & Baggage Flows
- Populations
- Predicts queue lengths and waiting times
In addition to demand and capacity modelling in line with potential health screening measures, our team have been working with a unique consortium of partners including Gebler Tooth Architects (GTA) to establish options for health screening at airports. From staffing levels to infrastructure, technology and supply chain, we are can support airport owners and operators in the development of solutions that are relevant to their needs.
Health screening facilities
Semi-permanent health screening facilities are proposed to be modular and therefore scalable, offsite fabricated and fully fitted with relevant equipment. They are free standing, self-contained and environmentally treated as well as self sufficient in terms of energy provision.
Health Screening Options
Two options are feasible for temperature screening, both offering remote screening.
Option A - depends upon a screening operative using a hand held temperature screening device, and then checking /recording the data.
Throughput rate is likely to be approx. 180 pax per hour for this process.
Option B - utilises thermal imaging camera technology to capture temperatures of passengers, and then automatically raise an alarm status if the temperature threshold is breached.
Throughput rate for this process is likely to be 720 pax per hour.
Both options use existing technology and screening methods.
Health Screening Process
Introducing such health screening measures means an addition to already complex airport process and operation. AiQ with its expert knowledge and over 20 years of experience in airport operations and processes, have also established how health screening checks as a process can be fitted in to existing airport processes.
Building public confidence in air travel again, whilst adhering to constantly changing regulatory requirements at national and international levels, is a difficult balance to strike and would require rapid response on an airports’ behalf. Combination of architectural solutions and Airport Recovery Tool, ARTΔ, AiQ can support both airport operators and owners to adapt to rapid changes following COVID-19.