New Updates and Guidance
Transport Secretary announces new measures to keep passengers safe.
Funding to protect and increase transport services, level up infrastructure and regenerate local economies after the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Find out more here.
Plans announced for London’s Covid-19 recovery
A new London Transition Board will co-ordinate London’s response as it emerges from the lockdown and begins to reopen its economy while controlling the virus. Find out more here.
Government boosts UK PPE supply with more than 100 new deals
The government has signed deals with more than 100 new suppliers from around the world as well as ramping up domestic production to help meet demand for PPE. From this week, GPs and small care homes can also register on the PPE Portal, a new online portal developed in collaboration with eBay to help primary and social care providers to order critical PPE, as it is scaled up nationally. Find out more here.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): immigration and borders
Updated to add Entering the UK and Coronavirus (COVID-19): travellers exempt from UK border rules guidance pages.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): business support grant funding - guidance for local authorities
Updated with version 2 of Local Authority Discretionary Fund guidance published – businesses who are eligible for the Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) are now eligible to apply for the scheme.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer travel guidance for passengers
Addition of text 'You should be prepared to remove your face covering if asked to do so by police officers and police staff for the purposes of identification.'
Tell HMRC about an option to tax land and buildings
HMRC have extended the time limit from the date the decision to opt was made. This now applies to decisions made between 15 February and 30 June 2020. Find out more here.
Coronavirus: MOTs due from 30 March 2020
Added information about what happens if you take your vehicle for its MOT and it fails when the extension has been applied.