New Updates and Guidance
NHS asks people to share their coronavirus symptoms to help others
A new Coronavirus Status Checker will help the NHS coordinate its response and build up additional data on the COVID-19 outbreak. It is open to anyone in the UK to use on the NHS website and in its initial phase the NHS is particularly keen for anyone who thinks they may be displaying potential coronavirus symptoms, no matter how mild, to complete it. Please share the checker with your employees and networks. You can find more information here.
Slides and datasets to accompany coronavirus press conference: 5 April 2020
Help find new ways to ease global disruption: apply for funding
UK businesses can apply for a share of £20 million in a fast-track competition to develop new ways to tackle global disruption such as that caused by COVID-19. Find out more here.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): business support grant funding - guidance for businesses
Guidance for businesses setting out details of the Small Business Grants Fund (SBGF) and Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund (RHLGF) has been updated with information about State Aid.
Personal protective equipment (PPE): export control process
Information for economic operators who will temporarily need a licence to export PPE outside the EU, EFTA member states and certain other territories. Added link to a question and answer document by the EU.
Maintaining further education provision
The operational guidance for further education (FE) providers on maintaining education and skills training provision has been updated.
Annual inspection waiver for tank vehicles The notice allowing tank vehicles, with extended roadworthiness test certificates, to remain in service and on our roads without a valid ADR 1(C) certificate has been updated to say authorisation now includes class VII ADR vehicles.