New Updates and Guidance
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on business support grant funding
Guidance for local authorities setting out details of the Small Business Grants Fund (SBGF) and Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund (RHLGF). Updated information on state aid, monitoring and reporting requirements, post payment checks, eligibility of charities.
COVID-19: guidance for the public on mental health and wellbeing
Advice and information on how employees can look after their mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): temporary changes to driver certificate of professional competence(CPC) requirements
The Department for Transport have set out temporary changes to allow bus and lorry drivers who cannot complete compulsory CPC training to continue to drive.
Slides and datasets to accompany coronavirus press conference: 31 March 2020
Press conference slides and datasets used by The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP.
High street benefits from £22 billion grants and business rates package
From 1 April, high streets begin to receive £22 billion coronavirus boost, with grants of up to £25,000 already being paid into bank accounts of high street businesses. Find out more here.
Chancellor waives duties and VAT on vital medical imports
Chancellor waives import taxes on vital medical equipment including ventilators, coronavirus testing kits and protective clothing. Find out more here.