Earlier in January 2022 BAG reached out to its membership with a call for volunteers for all of BAG’s Working Group for active and diverse involvement and to identify how BAG members can get engaged across BAG’s various activities and groups in 2022 and to highlight BAG’s inclusive approach to participation in those groups.
As such we are looking to grow our BAG Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Group and looking for nominations of individuals from BAG member companies who wish to join. Please read below for more information.
BAG is committed to being a diverse and inclusive organisation, which reflects the communities and society which we serve. We will champion inclusion and embed best ED&I practice in all we do, gaining and sharing learning and knowledge with our members. We will demonstrate inclusive leadership and work with our members to promote exemplary levels of diversity and inclusion, working to ensure BAG and the aviation industry is set up for an inclusive future. This supports BAG’s overall Purpose and Vision of Member Success – “To increase aviation market share and reputation of BAG members across the UK and overseas as part of an inclusive and sustainable UK aviation sector.”
In support of this vision, BAG operated a Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Group which provides advice and guidance to the BAG Board on the priorities for action, current best practice, and challenge our thinking to make sure we deliver fully on this important topic. The D&I Advisory Group is currently made up of 4 representatives from BAG member companies and chaired by Louise Houston, Head of Inclusion at Tarmac. We are looking to grow this group and are therefore looking for Nominations of individuals from BAG member companies who have a professional interest in the topic as well as expertise and can demonstrate professional competence. Candidates should ideally hold the brief for Diversity and Inclusion within their respective companies.
If you would like to nominate yourself, or indeed a colleague from your company, please send the relevant contact details to Bettina Rigg (bettina.rigg@britishaviationgroup.co.uk) by Friday 11 February 2022.
(if available / possible: please also send a short description of the nominee’s experience in the field and /or how they could contribute to this Advisory Group)