
Chris Tarry shares his views with BTN readers. Airports and airlines need to satisfy themselves that they are not in effect creating infection hot spots as travellers and staff come together.

Electronic passports were always thought of as something for the future.  Not any longer.  Air travellers will very quickly be required to have their medical history and vaccination details on their smart phone.  Air Canada will be followed soon by other airlines requiring passengers to wear facemasks. Meeting the requirements of social distancing at airports, where a 2m gap at security would require a queue of almost 350m for just one short-haul flight at pre-crisis loads, is perhaps the first problem, that is after the normal security inspection issues.  Prior check-in is essential and whilst one may criticise Ryanair for some of their “efficiency” measures over the years, this is one that has been copied by virtually every airline (and other businesses too)...more

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