The Airport Operator Magazine - Pages 8-9

On 2 November Baroness Vere was confirmed in her role as Aviation Minister. Here she writes for The Airport Operator on the challenges and opportunities for aviation - “one of our greatest economic assets”

For Government ministers, a reshuffle typically results in one of three outcomes: a new job; the same job, or no job at all. Only a lucky few get the chance to return to a much-loved role they’ve done previously – which is why I was so thrilled to be reappointed as Aviation Minister in September and delighted when it was confirmed earlier this month that I will be continuing in the role.

Aviation is one of our greatest economic assets and we rely on the trade, business and investment opportunities that only it can generate. So it’s a privilege and a pleasure to be able to work with the industry once again, and help it recover after a devastating pandemic.

It’s been a long journey to get to this point, but I am proud that the Government and industry stood side by side throughout COVID. When the moment was right in March, for example, we took the decision to go further and faster than any other nation in opening our economy and borders. I pledge to build on this close relationship as we return to pre-pandemic levels of travel and provide the connectivity that Global Britain requires.

I am delighted to see airports busy once again. But equally, we must ensure that the industry is ready to accommodate returning passengers in future.

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