The British Aviation Group submitted our response to the CAA’s 2024 Consultation on the Future Direction of the UK Aviation Environmental Review.

2024 Consultation on the Future Direction of the UK Aviation Environmental Review - BAG response FINAL

BAG welcomes this consultation and is supportive of the overall aim of the CAA to ‘to develop the AER into a comprehensive and robust tool that can be used by Government, industry and other interested stakeholders to inform and drive positive environmental change.’

BAG recognises the role of the UK aviation regulator in monitoring the environmental performance of the industry.  This role can help to build trust in the industry, along with the potential for beneficial recommendations that the CAA may make to industry and Government.

The reporting of environmental performance is essential to understanding impacts, monitor progress towards targets and to drive future improvements.  For example, data on quantity and extent of emissions helps to highlight trends and inform investment decisions. For both current in scope topics and any added environmental topics getting the data methodology and specifying the right metrics will be crucial.

Thank you to all BAG members who have contributed in developing our response.

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