BAG is proud to celebrate International Women’s Day, an important day globally which marks a call to action to accelerate gender parity and celebrate women’s history and achievements. Women are underrepresented in aviation, including within our own organisation, and we are working hard ourselves and with others to make the changes needed. As such, we are delighted to support the Women in Aviation & Aerospace charter, which we believe to be an important step towards achieving a more diverse workforce in aviation
We recognise that a diverse and inclusive workforce in the broadest sense leads to more holistic decision making, increased innovation, higher performance, and importantly greater employee engagement. I and the BAG Board are committed to working in partnership with our members and our wider supply chain to raise standards and achieve common goals across the industry.
We recognise as a group that we ourselves are on a journey, and I want to take the opportunity to update you on some changes we are making to accelerate our efforts to become a more inclusive organisation. We have established a Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Group to guide and challenge us on our journey. This group, sponsored by the BAG Chair, has developed an initial roadmap to accelerate this shift in thinking. Over the coming months the roadmap focuses on:
Improving our own organisation - by embracing industry standards in equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), we aim to understand where we now and develop a plan to ensure we have the foundations in place to achieve our ambitions.
Education. By educating ourselves, our members and the wider supply chain we aim to share best practice, spotlighting excellence and raise the bar industry wide.
We believe this initial work with benefit us, our members and safeguard aviation into the future.
I am delighted that Louise Houston, Head of Inclusion, Tarmac UK has agreed to chair the advisory group working along side Furah Naeem, Jacqui Johnson and Tim Walder.
We look forward to sharing more details of our roadmap with the BAG membership over the coming weeks – and are keen to work with our members to share ideas and learnings. Please look out for our upcoming communications which will invite you to share constructive ideas, feedback and contribute to our strategy.
Click here for this year’s campaign for IWD #choosetochallenge – we encourage you our members to use the resources available and celebrate the day.
Graham Bolton
BAG Chair