BBC News
Shannon Mower & Oli Constable
20 June 2024

A closed airport could be handed over to new investors by as early as September as plans are put in place to reopen it.

Doncaster Sheffield Airport was shut in 2022 when owners Peel Group said it was not financially viable.

Potential investors submitted bids earlier this week to Doncaster Council with an announcement of an operator to be made public by early August, a report has said.

Following approval of the business case, the bidder is set to sign a contract to take over the site in September, it added.

On Wednesday, the council's cabinet heard a report detailing the timeframe for the council’s plan to procure a new investor to reopen the airport.

The chosen investor will be informed in late July or early August, with an announcement due shortly afterwards.

[Read on: Doncaster Sheffield Airport investors submit bids to council - BBC News]

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