The advent of Sustainable Aviation and Urban Air Mobility has been accelerated through key environmental and transport challenges we face alongside technological advancements. The challenges represent the need to match growing demand for aviation whilst reducing carbon emissions. Traditional aviation also causes air and noise pollution impacting communities and preventing airport expansion which potentially reduces economic growth and transport opportunities. Within our cities, urbanisation and population growth has led to further congestion, pollution, travel times and demand for competitive transport modes. Overcoming these challenges has the potential to revolutionise transport once again within our cities, amongst our cities and across the continents and globe creating a new frontier within aerospace and aviation.
The Frontier
Advancements within electric propulsion, battery technology, manufacturing, satellites, communications, sensors, autonomy and artificial intelligence alongside the established aerospace and aviation markets have created a ripe environment for eVTOL, electric and hybrid planes making flying safer, quieter, cleaner and more available.
Key indicators have been signalled. Industry leaders have committed to sustainability, investors have accelerated the growth of new-wave electric aircraft manufacturers, policymakers have aligned industrial policy and regulators are engaging with innovators. Sustainable aviation has the potential to expand the boundaries of our society but also our economy through creating new jobs, supply chains and business opportunities.
The Hurdles
The road to electrifying our skies and improving our transport systems requires overcoming important challenges. Battery technology needs further advancement, policies and regulations need modernising, strategies needs implementing, air traffic management needs adapting, infrastructure needs building, business models need envisioning, the public need reassuring and aircraft need redesigning amongst other factors.
The Platform
Foresight Aerospace aims to highlight the challenges, explore the frontiers and find the solutions through a series of presentations, panel discussions and networking opportunities designed to promote thought leadership and collaboration in order to advance and devise the future of Sustainable Aviation and Urban Air Mobility.
For more information please visit www.foresight.events/aerospace.