Dear members,


We would like to invite you to a live webinar entitled ACI World's global long-term carbon goal for airports on 8 June 2021 at 8:00 AM (EDT).


Join us as we reveal some of the key research findings, underpinned by an extensive analytical and evidence-based study, that led to the creation of an ambitious, long-term carbon goal for the global airport sector:


We set out to work with our membership and our partners to establish a global goal for airports. I invite you to participate in this very important collaboration, and to learn more about the integral role airports will play in the climate change conversation.” ACI World Director General, Luis Felipe de Oliveira


The speakers will be:


  • Luis Felipe de Oliveira, Director General, ACI World
  • Kata Cserep, Managing Director Aviation, ICF
  • Ken Conway, Head of Environment and Sustainability, Airbiz


This webinar will be moderated by David Whitely, Vice President Marketing and Communications, ACI World.


Webinar participants will be the first to receive the full Long Term Carbon Goal Report during the webinar.



Join us live on 8 June 2021 at 8:00 AM (EDT)

If you are unable to join the live webinar, a recorded version will be made available on the ACI World website shortly after the live session. Please note there is a limited number of participants that can join the live webinar and priority will be given to ACI members.


Airports Council International (ACI) World

800 Rue du Square Victoria, Suite 1810, PO Box 302 Montreal, Quebec, H4Z 1G8, Canada

Phone number: +(1) 514-373-1200


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The webinar recording is now available here.

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