Airport Technology - Noah Bovenizer

11 March 2024

MAG said that using the waste to generate electricity was no longer the most efficient use and called on councils to redirect more of the waste to SAF production.

The CEO of the group responsible for some of the UK’s busiest airports has called on the UK to direct more of its household waste to the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) following the release of a study into the process. 

MAG, which owns the Manchester, London Stansted, and East Midlands airports, released its lifecycle assessment study of SAF made from household waste compared to using the waste to generate electricity and said increased use of the method could help the country develop a local SAF industry. 

CEO Ken O’Toole said: “The benefits of turning household waste into SAF are clear – it’s better for the environment, reducing emissions by at least five times more than using it to make electricity. 

“It can also contribute to the creation of tens of thousands of new jobs and be a significant driver in helping UK aviation reach its target of net zero by 2050. It is vital that we use household waste in the most efficient way we can to help reduce carbon emissions.” 

[Read more: UK airports call for greater use of waste in SAF production (]

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