Simple Flying - Tatenda Karuwa

The United States will continue to support the development of Libya's air transport sector and provide an additional $4.5 million to enhance airport security. Libya, which has been disconnected from the rest of the world for the past decade, has taken significant steps towards restoring international connections over the last 12 months...

The US plans to build domestic and international connections in Libya. For this part, it will provide an additional $4.5 million for Sebha International Airport (SEB) through its Department of State Bureau of Counterterrorism's Libya Aviation and Airport Security Program. This is expected to promote stability in southern Libya, provide more economic opportunities, and facilitate the development of Sebha as an aviation hub.

According to the embassy, Libya has received over $20 million from the US in the past six years to enhance aviation security. Since 2018, nearly 3,000 Libyan airport officials have attended US-sponsored training, with about 10% being women...

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