BAG member PriestmanGoode recently attended and participated in the World Aviation Festival. PriestmanGoode specialises in designing outstanding passenger experiences in transport around the globe.

PriestmanGoode has published four White Papers on topics that consider particular opportunities for aviation operators in the current climate:

  • An Eye on the Future - an overview looking at Future Strategies for Aviation operators from our Co-Founder Nigel Goode 
  • How digital technologies can increase short-term commercial gain for operators as well as offering safe and trustworthy experiences for passengers.
  • Looking at Repurposing Airport Spaces to drive ancillary revenues for operators and add value to the experience for traveling passengers with anticipated future changing passenger profiles.
  • How accessible design can not only create a more inclusive and better experience for all passengers, it can also offer new potential revenue opportunities for operators to attract new consumers 

If any of these topics are of interest to you please click here to download the PriestmanGoode White Papers:

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