Simple Flying - Andrew Curran

Despite plunging passenger numbers and revenues, three of Australia's four biggest airports managed to make money over the 2020/21 financial year.

Three of Australia's four biggest airports managed to squeeze out a profit when COVID-19 was causing havoc across the aviation industry. On Monday, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) released a report detailing how the pandemic impacted those airports over the 2020/21 year and what they did to pull through.

The ACCC found that the combined operating profits of the four monitored airports were 95% lower in 2020/21 than in 2018/19. But the competition watchdog also revealed Sydney, Brisbane, and Perth airports still reported a positive operating profit for 2020/21. The ACCC also noted that the airports, so often subject to criticism for price gouging, provided some relief to airlines and some other commercial entities still operating.

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