AOA Airport Operator Magazine | Winter 2022

Fresh from introducing Free Route Airspace in Scotland – the biggest ever geographical airspace change in the UK – NATS is working with London Luton Airport on new arrivals routes to be introduced next month.

The UK’s principal air navigation services provider will also be working this year with Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter airports on airspace changes that could start to be introduced as early as March next year. Changes affecting the Midlands, London and the South East are likely to follow from 2026.

NATS Operations Director, Juliet Kennedy, told The Airport Operator that environmental efficiency is a key driver of the airspace modernisation programme. She said that people often assume that airspace change “is so that we can deliver more and more capacity. It is actually at least as much for us about environmental efficiency and fuel burn. Modernising the airspace in the UK will make it more environmentally efficient. I think that is a really key point”...

 Winter-2022-AOA-Airport-Operator-Magazine.pdf (5 MB)

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